
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Farewell to Summer

It's the close of another month, and in our home, the end of summer as well. This Friday my husband goes back to the local middle school and his advanced history students. A week later I'll be starting up home schooling again. My Bunny is so proud to be entering first grade, and I'm beginning preschool activities with Bear and Mouse as well this year. It means going back on a set routine, lots of planning ahead, and moving my sewing time to the evenings and weekends. It's all a little overwhelming, but exciting too in a way. I love a new challenge, and I want to make this year a great one for our family.

I was a little shocked when I looked at the pictures for July -- I accomplished less than half of what I did in June. I have no regrets though. This month I tried to slow down, make projects that I truly enjoyed, and take time with the people I love.

It's been a great summer.

Linking up to Fresh Sewing Day and WIP Wednesday.


  1. You may feel like you haven't accomplished enough, but everything you have made is beautiful!

  2. I always love seeing your fabric choices in your projects. They are so bright and cheery!

  3. I'm with Janice on this one - it's all lovely!

  4. Lovely projects, I may have to scroll thro your blog for more info!

  5. Summer's nearly over? I still 'have to' go on holiday.
    It's ok to slow down from time to time.

  6. Beautiful projects - quality not quantity always counts!

  7. Gorgeous projects indeed and I have to agree with Kelly, I go for quality over quantity too!

  8. Taking time with the people we love is always more important than getting more sewing done! We homeschooled for 6 1/2 years - the BEST thing that could have happened for our family. :) I really love those picnic placemats. Ingenius! Need to make some since we're buying a house this month with its very own picnic table. . .

  9. Your projects are so nice and it's great to put family first. Blessings.

  10. Everything you made is beautiful! It looks like it was a good summer for you. :)

  11. Everything is gorgeous. Too bad summer's over... But fall is coming!

  12. Oh wow! Back to school already?

    Your projects are lovely, I particularly like the one in the upper right.

  13. Everything in your mosaic is beautiful! I didn't know that you homeschooled! I hope sewing is one of the subjects!

  14. These are all beautiful projects and I love the polaroid quilt

  15. I love how you're playing with the color wheel! I've been experimenting with it myself lately as well!

  16. Your makes this month are gorgeous and I think you have achieved so much! I didn't know you home schooled. Good luck with the preparations I know just how long these things can take! Hopefully there will still be time for some more sewing too xxx

  17. My husband is a teacher too, and I am not ready for the end of summer!! You've made some beautiful projects this month. Thanks for linking up to WIP Wednesday!

  18. The end of summer?!? I'm in denial.
    Looks like you had a great month - both with your sewing and your family. I hope the transitions go well!

  19. Visiting back from Lily's quilts... wow so many projects and lovely things to take inspiration from. Thanks for your earlier visit!

  20. Love the rainbow colours.
    You are brave home schooling three children. I am not sure I could do that.

  21. Beautiful zakka pouch.Love the grey quilt too.


  22. Great Project, The photo quilt is very cute and I love the rainbow.

  23. You did some really great projects though! so glad you had a nice summer - take care getting back into the routine!

  24. You have some really beautiful makes this month :)

  25. Wonderful Work! It all looks amazing.

  26. Maybe you didn't sew as much as you wanted to, but you made lovely things this Summer!


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