
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April Showers

I knew that April had been a busy month, but I had no idea how busy until I saw this month's mosaic. I'm still not entirely sure how I finished all this in the last four weeks. I have to say that I really loved making the projects I tackled this month. It was a great challenge to try paper piecing for the first time, and I enjoyed trying some more complicated bags and pouches. A lot of the small pieces were from the Zakka Style Sew Along, which has been absolutely fabulous. If you haven't joined yet, I highly recommend that you do. The three Castle Peeps quilt tops are for my daughters, and they still need to be quilted and bound before they're officially done. But my favorite finish of the month is probably my Mixed Signals nautical mini quilt -- it was a joy to make from start to finish.

Today, I'm working on my project for the Modern She Made Swap as well as a mini quilt for my daughters' room from my small stash of Mendocino fabric. I also have a little bit of excitement happening, but that news will have to wait until tomorrow...

Hope you've all had a wonderful April, and that May will be even better! Linking up with Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts & Fabric Tuesday.


  1. Hey, found you on the Fresh Sewing Day link up. Wow, you have achieved SO much in April! My excuse is I have a nearly 3 year old and a 3 month old, who take up most of my time, hence progress is never as fast as I would like! I look forward to following your progress, your work is fab. Sarah x

  2. Congratulations on such a productive month! All great stuff. I really want to make the Zakka Style tote but haven't found the time yet. Love the fabrics you chose!

  3. You got so much done! I love don't the monthly mosaic, it always amazes me to see how much I did, when usually I think I didn't do much!

  4. Great mosaic! I love all that orange that crops up :)
    The Zakka sewing pouch is beautiful!

  5. Heidi, you have been busy, lots of wonderful finishes this month. Way to go, girl!!!

  6. Great projects! Love doing a little mosaic to see exactly what I've spent my sewing time on this month!

    Really loving your paper piecing and I'm impressed you got three quilt tops made! Well done :)

  7. Lovely project! Good month for you.

  8. I love the idea of creating a mosaic to show all you completed in a month. What a great visual record of your creativity. (Warning: I may steal this idea...but I'll give you credit for the inspiration!)

  9. You've been Leibstered! I love the way you combine your fabrics, and how you are showing your creative journey! Just wanted to pass it on to you!


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