
Monday, April 23, 2012

Retro Phone

When the amazingly talented Joanna of Shape Moth said that she was looking for people to test a few of her new paper piecing patterns, I was more than happy to throw my name into the ring. The pattern she ended up sending me was her adorable Retro Phone -- could there be a more perfect fit for me? This was my first attempt at paper piecing, and I have to say that I enjoyed it. It takes a little time to wrap your brain around the process, and my seam ripper has never gotten so much mileage in one day, but it's a fun challenge...sort of like putting together a fabric puzzle. I highly recommend that if you're trying it for the first time, that you watch a video demonstration. I found this one to be helpful, but I know there are more out there, so look around.

There are a mix of fabrics from different lines here including Aunt Edna by Denyse Schmidt, Reunion by Sweetwater, Hometown by Sweetwater, and Flora by Lauren and Jessi Jung. After some deliberation, I densely quilted the background so that the phone would stand out. As a last touch suggested by my mother, I added the number dial in the middle of the phone. This was a great weekend project which will now make a nice little wall hanging. Thanks so much, Joanna, for giving me the chance to learn something new!

I was excited to see my Zakka pincushion on the weekly picks again on LR:Stitched. This week we get to tackle the sewing kit, demonstrated by Katy of Monkey Do. I've been looking forward to this project -- definitely an item that will get some use around here!

Hoping you're all having a great start to your week today. Linking up to Manic Monday.


  1. Love the paper piecing, I need to give it a go one day, but feel I need time and peace and quiet! Great job well done

  2. What a fun mini...and I love your Mom's suggestion for the number dial!!! TFS

  3. Great mini, adore the phone and so glad to see you used Flora, I have a drawer full of yardage waiting for something special! :D

  4. I love this! I haven't tried paper piecing yet (except hexagons) - I'll have to check out the link you suggest. Great idea your mom had for the dial.

  5. Hi Heidi, You did it! The phone turned out perfect. You sure have patience to learn this new skill of paper piecing. Wonderful!

  6. It looks brilliant! Great job! :-)

  7. What a fun block. I keep promising myself to give this a go. Perhaps I need to atop adding things to my list.

  8. I lthe retro look and thanks for the to follow them.

  9. Very cute. love the sweet water prints - fit this block perfectly! great job!

  10. I love it!!! Have been thinking of retro phones lately and here it is!


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