
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mixed Signals, Part One

When I first saw Reunion by Sweetwater for Moda, I immediately saw piers, boardwalks, and boats. I've been holding on to two charm packs for weeks now, trying to decide how I could put together a mini quilt with a nautical theme that would suit this fabric. Over the weekend it finally came to me: signal flags. Each three inch block in this quilt is one of the international code flags used to represent certain messages as well as letters of the alphabet -- you can follow the letters from A to Z as you go from left to right, top to bottom. I had originally planned to sash the quilt in white to make it a little brighter, but since white is one of the main colors for the flags, I thought that grey would make it stand out a little better.

I can't tell you how much fun I had making the blocks for this quilt. Sometimes piecing can be a bit tedious, doing the same block over and over for a project. Every block was a new challenge with this one, and I enjoyed figuring out how to put each one together while staying inside the size requirement. I have to fix a few puckers in the fabric this morning before attaching the binding, but I'm really loving the way this has turned out.

I seem to have a boatload (no pun intended) of projects going this week, including this week's Zakka pincushion and a paper piecing pattern to test. It's all good stuff, though, so I'm happy.

Linking up to Work In Progress Wednesday.


  1. very cute idea! came together nicely!

  2. So clever and so cute! I, too, prefer projects that aren't too repetitive.

  3. Brilliant idea Heidi! It's really striking, great job on all those little flags! :-)

  4. AWESOME idea, and fantastic execution! I am in love!

  5. Love this idea! And the colors are perfect!


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