
Monday, April 2, 2012

I love the mailbox...

...because it brings me packages like this one. A few weeks back I, among several others, won a very generous giveaway by Kate Spain. What a joy it was to find this beautiful fabric in the mail today. I am so, so happy right now...

And speaking of happy news, have you heard about the Modern She Made Swap? I've been trying to get into a project swap for a few months now, but they always seem to be full or exclusive. When I heard that sign-ups for this one started April 1st, I was so glad to know that there was hope at last. Sign-ups are continuing through April 6th or until they hit 100 members, so get your name in now!


  1. Hi Heidi! what a great little package you received! I have just applied for the swap too! I really hope I get in as it will be my first ever. Was nervous doing the mosaic and the application but we shall see x

  2. ooh, lucky you :) and good luck with the swap - remember to comment on everybody's photos etc as there's nothing worse than a 'silent' partner and you'll do fine - i've had a look around your blog and your work is gorgeous - you'll have no probs!!

  3. We can trade mailboxes :-) Also wanted to let you know you were given the Liebster Blog Award!!!


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