
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The List

A million things on the to-do list today. Among them...

  • A stack of bags to finish prepping for our church ladies' tea this Saturday. There's at least ten other items associated with that part of the to-do list, but I won't bore you with those details.

  • A gift to make for a friend of mine featuring those great little tigers and that stack of Hello Pilgrim fabrics.


  • Okay, this is actually part of the want-to-do list. I've been wanting to jump on the granny square bandwagon for a while now. I thought it might be fun to make them a little larger by using charm squares. I've been looking for the right project for these Salt Air prints, and I think I may have finally found it. Can't wait to start this quilt!
Hope your want-to-do list is longer than your have-to-do list today!

Linking up to Work In Progress Wednesday!


  1. How fun a ladies tea! I have also been eyeing those granny square and I still on the fence about it but it sure is pretty!

  2. Ooh you're jumping on the Granny squares bandwagon, too?? I really want to make some as well, I just need to find the time!! Using charm squares is a great idea, and I love those fabrics!

  3. I have been teetering on the edge of the Granny Square bandwagon too. Neat idea using the charm squares.

  4. I've been thinking about it too! I love that color combo and what a great idea to use charms!


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