
Friday, March 23, 2012

Bear's Bag & a Giveaway Winner

After making a Rapunzel bag for my daughter Bunny, I knew it wouldn't be long before my other girls would be clamoring for bags of their own. Bear has been begging the loudest this week, so I sat down to sew one for her yesterday. The exterior is Tree Stripes from Monaluna's darling Circa 52 collection.

I lined the bag with some of Lizzy House's hedgehogs from Outfoxed, and I could not resist adding a small applique of Mr. Fox to the front of the bag as well. It's a small but sturdy bag, perfect for my little two-year-old. You can see it in action here with Tup the Meerkat enjoying the ride.

I was absolutely floored by the response to my St. Patrick's Day Blog Hop giveaway. Thanks so much to all of you who stopped by, chose to follow, and left a comment. You made my week! has chosen a winner...number 109:

I have to say I enjoy making art quilts the best :)

I've sent an email and am looking forward to getting this prize package in the mail!

Linking up to Finish It Up Friday, Sew & Tell Friday, and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.


  1. Oh! Your bag is SO cute! And I added your button to my blog! Love it! Deb.

  2. Congrats to the winner and thanks for the fun giveaway!

  3. the fox was the perfect touch for that bag - very cute!

  4. Too cute! Love the little fox!

  5. Cute! Love the fox running through the trees. I love the stuffed meerkat too, they are my favorite!

  6. Yeah! I'm so excited! Thanks for picking me :)

    AND - super cute bag!

  7. Oh, what a fantastic bag! Love the combination of the exterior fabric and the fox! I don't know, though... Doesn't Tup look a little put out? Maybe he thought a meerkat should be the applique. Or maybe he's just a serious guy. Such a cute photo!

    Just noticed that you have a "Pinterest Friendly Blog" button. Good for you! I recently deleted all of my Pinterest boards that showed other people's work. Now I know I can pin you, so I'll pin Bear's bag right now!


Aren't you the sweetest for leaving a comment! Due to all the ads that bombard this section, I have to moderate everything first, but look for your comment to post in a day or two. Thanks so much for writing!