
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sister Love

My sweet sister was kind enough to photograph the table runner and place mats that I made for her this month so that I could add them to my blog. The runner was made from Kate Spain's Fandango fabric. I just did a simple strip design backed with a length of Aviary 2 by Joel Dewberry. The two adult place mats are almost identical to the runner, but I also made two mats for my nieces using children's fabrics by Lizzy House, David Walker, and Monaluna. They're also done in a strip style, but they're meant to be a take on an I-Spy format too.  The backing for the mats was a mixture of Half Moon Modern and Meet the Gang prints, and I bound them with a yellow wood grain print from Aviary 2.  I really had fun putting these pieces together and am glad to see that my sister's family is enjoying them.

I'm almost finished with the other quilt I've been working on and will hopefully have pictures to show tomorrow. Ah, the joy of productivity...

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!! The table runner and mats are awesome!! The hedgies are some of my favorite little guys. I almost don't want to cut into mine :) This is what I love about the small blog meet, your able to find other bloggers you might not find for a while. I'm excited to check out your blog and follow you. When you get the chance I would love for you to stop by and check out my blog as well. I hope your having a wonderful day!


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